All Climat display & sales centres will be closed throughout the Christmas break between 12:00pm 24th December – 9am 2nd January 2025. For air conditioning assistance through this time, please contact your air conditioning system manufacturer directly.

All Climat display & sales centres will be closed throughout the Christmas break between 12:00pm 24th December – 9am 2nd January 2025. For air conditioning assistance through this time, please contact your air conditioning system manufacturer directly.

Tips for Maintaining Your Split System Airconditioners for Optimal Performance

Some of the most popular air conditioners worldwide are split systems. Most homeowners prefer split-system air conditioners because of their energy efficiency, sleek designs, and ease of installation. Without proper maintenance, split systems or any type of airconditioners will not be able to work as intended. That is why regular maintenance is essential to protect your investment in split system airconditioners.

If you do not know where to start, here are some vital ways to maintain split-system air conditioners:

Change / Clean Filters

All split-system air conditioners have filters. They play the essential role of cleaning the air before it is circulated inside your Adelaide home. Over time, airborne particles get trapped in the filters of split system airconditioners. Dust and debris can quickly build up and block the filters. This will make your split system air conditioners work harder to push the air through the filters. The circulated air will not also be properly cleaned. 

Cleaning or changing the filters of split system air conditioners is one of the easiest maintenance steps. Just open the inlet grille of the split system indoor unit. There, you will find the filters. Take them out and replace or clean them as instructed by the manufacturer of your split system air conditioners. During peak periods, it is recommended that you change or clean the filters of split system air conditioners every month.

Indoor Unit

Another easy DIY maintenance task is cleaning the indoor unit of split system air conditioners. Just wipe down the outside surface with a dry or damp cloth. Do not use any cleaning chemicals, as they can damage split system air conditioners. Regular cleaning removes dirt and dust from the indoor unit of your split system. This will minimise the chances of breakdowns and keep your split system air conditioners running at their best. 

Outdoor Unit

Installed outside, this part of split system air conditioners needs regular maintenance. Make sure any nearby trees, shrubs, or other plants do not touch the outdoor unit. Otherwise, they can obstruct the unit and damage your split system air conditioners. That is why the space around the outdoor unit of split system air conditioners should always be clear.

Professional Service

All the above are easy DIY maintenance tasks for split system air conditioners. Other maintenance tasks should be performed only by professionals. Otherwise, you will risk damaging your split system air conditioners. Schedule a yearly professional service for all your split system airconditioners. Service professionals can also detect any issues with your split system air conditioners. So you can get them repaired on time. 

At Climat, we are one of Australia’s oldest suppliers of air conditioners and heating systems. We carry a selection of leading split system brands. So, you can enjoy split system air conditioners with quality you can rely on. Our split system experts offer regular air conditioner servicing. They can help you take good care of your split system airconditioners. 

Keep your split system airconditioners in top shape. Contact our servicing department now!

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