All Climat display & sales centres will be closed throughout the Christmas break between 12:00pm 24th December – 9am 2nd January 2025. For air conditioning assistance through this time, please contact your air conditioning system manufacturer directly.

All Climat display & sales centres will be closed throughout the Christmas break between 12:00pm 24th December – 9am 2nd January 2025. For air conditioning assistance through this time, please contact your air conditioning system manufacturer directly.

The Benefits of Investing in Climat’s Reverse Cycle Ducted Air Conditioners

From scorching hot summer days to chilly winter nights, air conditioners have become a necessity. Otherwise, you will not feel comfortable inside your Adelaide home. Reverse-cycle ducted air conditioners offer complete cooling and heating solutions. One system is all you need to cool and heat your entire Adelaide house. The best part is that these ducted air conditioners do all this with maximum energy efficiency. 

Heating and cooling are not the only benefits reverse cycle ducted air conditioners offer. Here are some of the reasons why investing in reverse-cycle ducted air conditioners is a smart decision:

Comfortable Home All Year Round

Unlike other air conditioners, reverse cycle systems offer both functions, cooling and heating. With just a click of a button, you can easily switch between both modes. With ducted air conditioners, your reverse cycle system will be connected to all rooms in your Adelaide home. So you can enjoy the perfect indoor climate throughout the year. 

Save on Your Power Bills

Reverse-cycle ducted air conditioners are hands-down the most energy-efficient systems on the market. They can significantly reduce your power bills and remain highly efficient even in the most extreme weather conditions. 

In the heating mode, reverse cycle ducted air conditioners do not create heat to warm your Adelaide home. Instead, these air conditioners absorb the heat from the outdoor air and circulate it indoors. It does not have to be warm outside for reverse-cycle ducted air conditioners to function properly. You can rely on these systems even in freezing temperatures. Just as the name suggests, reverse-cycle ducted air conditioners work the other way around in the cooling mode. They absorb the hot air indoors and transfer it outside.

Minimise Wasted Energy 

Modern reverse-cycle ducted air conditioners come with a zoning feature. This feature allows you to control the temperature of each zone in your Adelaide home separately. You can also switch off the ducted air conditioning in unused rooms, saving energy.

One System Is All You Need

Getting all your cooling and heating requirements from one ducted system saves you time and money. You will buy, install, maintain, and repair only one reverse-cycle ducted system, which will save you the running and upkeep costs of various air conditioners or heating units. 

At Climat, we are one of the longest-established suppliers of home air conditioners in Australia. We carry a selection of reverse-cycle ducted air conditioners from market-leading brands. Our team of experts can install reverse-cycle ducted air conditioners in new and existing homes. We will work with you to design the most efficient reverse-cycle ducted system for your Adelaide home and lifestyle. To accommodate all financial requirements, we offer up to 60-month payment plans. 

Invest in the best air conditioners for your Adelaide home. Order your reverse cycle ducted system now!

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