All Climat display & sales centres will be closed throughout the Christmas break between 12:00pm 24th December – 9am 2nd January 2025. For air conditioning assistance through this time, please contact your air conditioning system manufacturer directly.

All Climat display & sales centres will be closed throughout the Christmas break between 12:00pm 24th December – 9am 2nd January 2025. For air conditioning assistance through this time, please contact your air conditioning system manufacturer directly.


Which Solar System Is Right For Me?

Making use of solar technology in homes is still a relatively new field. That is why not many homeowners are aware of what it involves. They do not know how to select a suitable solar system. Before you go to

What to Look for in Ducted Gas Heating

With winter quickly approaching, you should get your Adelaide home ready to face the cold weather. Getting an effective, energy efficient heating system is the best investment you can make. Ducted gas heating systems are considered the best, cost-efficient ways

Raise the Level of Comfort of Your Home

The one place you should feel most comfortable in is your home. That is why its design and decoration should reflect your personality and lifestyle. Other aspects, such as the temperature and the indoor air quality, can also play a

Looking for a Home System That Will Benefit You in Summer and Winter?

With the recent drastic changes in weather, every home needs a reliable heating and cooling system nowadays. It will help you cope with all types of weather throughout the year. Your Adelaide home will also be more comfortable to live

Building a New Home? Here’s Why You Should Include Solar!

The sun is the most powerful source of energy. It will be a pity to let it all go to waste. To make use of even a fraction of this energy, you need to install solar panels on your Adelaide

Why You Should Choose Ducted Air Conditioning

Making a choice could be the hardest part about deciding to install an air conditioning system into your Adelaide property. The endless options in the market today can get you confused. Each system has its benefits and drawbacks. In the

Which Solar Panel System Is Best for My Home?

As the electricity cost continues to rise all over the world, more and more homeowners become interested in solar energy. By installing solar panels at your Adelaide home, you will take advantage of one of the most powerful, yet free

Which Air Conditioning System Is Ideal for My Adelaide Home?

Cannot stand the idea of going through another suffocating hot summer or ice-cold winter at your Adelaide home? Then it is definitely time to get an air conditioning system. Today, there are different types of air conditioning systems available in

What to Look for in an Adelaide Solar Company

Solar energy systems do not come cheap. They are considered a long-term investment. Therefore, you should be very careful when choosing solar companies in Adelaide. Your relation with solar companies does not just end with the purchase and installation of

The Benefits of Investing In Solar for Your Adelaide Home

Nowadays, many Adelaide homeowners are investing in solar energy. They are eager to help reduce their energy costs and carbon footprint. Whatever your motivation is, going solar in your Adelaide home comes with lots of benefits. Here are some of

Looking For a Heating and Cooling Solution? Call Climat!

Installing a heating and cooling system in your Adelaide home or office is not an easy task. That is why it needs to be approached by an experienced professional. The heating and cooling system provider you choose will play a

How Much Can I Save On My Electricity Usage With An Adelaide Solar System?

Is installing a solar system at your Adelaide property worth it? The general rule is, the higher the power cost, the larger the savings you will make out of your solar system. With the right solar system for your Adelaide

Ducted Gas Heating Will Make Winter A Breeze

As winter is approaching, getting the right heating system for your Adelaide home is essential. A sound heating system should be energy efficient, yet meet the needs of your family. With ducted gas heating, you do not need to look

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